Friday, September 21, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

Despite the hype, I did NOT like this book.  I know I am among the few but I can't help that.  
Take away all the sex that apparently half of all women are missing, and the writing was so juvenile.  I'm sorry but I cannot get past that.
Now, let's discuss the actual story.  Is this what women really want?  This confuses me greatly.  He's beyond controlling.  To an abusive level and can't keep the "play room" and real life separate. I understand the control IN the play room but not beyond.  It's so sad to me that the majority of women think he's the ideal man.  Good sex?  Sure, I agree that we women want a man like that. LMAO However, the moment it left that room and spilled out into every day life, everything you do, he's a pathetic excuse for a man and no longer has any appeal, great sex or not.  
My daughter asked how old she had to be until she could read it. My husband said 18.  I snapped.  I said no, you can read it after your married.  My husband looked very confused and asked if the sex was THAT explicit.  I said no, but there is no way I'm going to let her read that and believe THAT is the kind of man a woman should be with.  His behavior is why PFA's were invented.
I've been told that if I read the other two books, I'll understand why he is the way he is and that he changes.  First of all, I don't care what his drug addict mother or abusive father did to him.  If anything, that should be why he ISN'T that way, especially after being raised most of his life by people who were not like his real parents.  Second, him changing?  Yes, lets reinforce that bullsh*t idea that "their love can change him."  That's a load of bologna too.  I'm going to read the other two ONLY because I need to see how the author justifies his behavior.  I hope I'm pleasantly surprised but at this point, I don't see how I could be.